Friday, 19 May 2017

Message to our moderator

Sample for Moderation

Dear  Miss K Brookes

Please follow the live links below to visit the work for the students in the sample. These have been filtered by name labels. 

A DVD of the production work is enclosed in the materials sent to you but you can also view the final videos on the blogs.

Please note - for candidates 6500, 6367 and 6482 their sequences on the DVD are currently OLD EDITS and NOT the edits that have been marked.  The correct edit is on a live Vimeo link accessible through each candidate's hyperlink below.   An updated DVD with the correct versions will be sent out to you on Monday 22nd May. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.  

If you wish to view the final videos (and the prelims) via the blogs then the password is 'student'. 

We hope you enjoy looking at our work. 

Best wishes 

Louisa (Teacher in charge of AS Media) 

6682; Kubisa, Przemyslaw (Shamz)
6500; Harvey, Tamira   Please note - this student's film on the DVD is the OLD EDIT and not the version that has been marked - the correct edit is on the live Vimeo link accessible through this hyperlink.
6367; Efah, Dorrina   Please note - this student's film on the DVD is the OLD EDIT and not the version that has been marked - the correct edit is on a live Vimeo link accessible through this hyperlink. 
6347; Domican, Scott
7254; Yelland, Ciara
7119; Smith, Jessica (Jessi)
7213; Vecaj, Briando
6395; Evans, Ralph
7060; Sadi, Diana
6874; Nabuzale, Brenda
7287; Zviskova, Zlatina (Tina)
6467; Grigaite, Ugne
7113; Simpson, Alix
7142; Subhaan Omran, Mohammed (Subhaan)
6433; Garrad, Leah
6482; Hagan, Dannie   Please note - this student's film on the DVD is the OLD EDIT and not the version that has been marked - the correct edit is on a live Vimeo link accessible through this hyperlink. 
6924; Ojo, Nicole
6378; Elliott, James
6941; Oraite, Rugile
6813; Midgley, Jade Natalie

Saturday, 24 September 2016


Welcome to the Foundation Portfolio Blog! 

We hope you are looking forward to your practical production for the foundation portfolio coursework! 

This blog, and especially the links to the right hand side, will be fundamental to your research, planning, recording of the production and evaluation of your project over the next few months. 

From this page, you can navigate the teaching and learning resources and also your own group blog. It is therefore important that you become used to using and navigating this blog.

We recommend that you keep this page bookmarked so that you can find it easily: it's important that you navigate to this page before logging into the blog so that you don't miss any important messages that will be posted here during the course of the year. 

Good luck with your coursework and we hope that you enjoy the unit.

Blogging checklist